«No hay enseñanza sin investigación, ni investigación sin enseñanza» (Paulo Freire)
- «A mixed integer linear programming model to support e-fulfillment strategies in warehouse-based supermarket chains» (2022). Central European Journal of Operations Research
- «An optimisation approach for the e-grocery order picking and delivery problem» (2022). Central European Journal of Operations Research
- «How can e-grocers use artificial intelligence based on technology innovation to improve supply chain management?» (2022). IFIP Advances
- «Analyzing store features for online order picking in grocery retailing: an experimental study» (2022). International Journal of Production Management and Engineering
- «Packaging design for competitiveness. Contextualizing the search and adoption of changes from a sustainable supply chain perspective» (2022). International Journal of Production Management and Engineering
- «Racionalización de envases y embalajes en cadenas de suministro sostenibles. Un estudio de caso en el sector de la alimentación» (2022). Dirección y Organización
- «Establishing a fulfillment costs model for the subscription box» (2022). Ensuring Sustainability
- «Rethinking picking processes in e-grocery: a study in the multichannel context» (2021). Business Process Management Journal
- «E-grocery retailing: from value proposition to logistics strategy» (2021). International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications
- «Estructurando el diseño de envases y embalajes para mejorar la sostenibilidad. Envidencias empíricas en el sector de menaje» (2021). Dirección y Organización
- «Methodology for selecting packaging alternatives: an «action research» application in the industrial sector» (2021). Central European Journal of Operations Research
- «Improving through employee participation: The case of a Spanish food manufacturer» (2021). Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management
- «What are the main factors that reduce the efficiency of road transport? An exploratory study» (2020). Advances in Engineering Networks
- «People as the key factor in competitiveness: a framework for success in supply chain management» (2020). Total Quality Management & Business Excellence
- «Increasing competitiveness through the implementation of lean management in healthcare» (2020). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
- «Rethinking the box for sustainable logistics» (2020). Sustainability
- «On-shelf availability and logistics rationalization. A participative methodology for supply chain improvement» (2020). Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
- «Audiovisual documentation as the basis of an occupational health and safety management system» (2020). Advances in Engineering Networks
- «Integrated project delivery: A literature review and research agenda» (2020). Advances in Engineering Networks
- «Organizational best practices in packaging design. An analysis in perfumery and cleaning products» (2019). Dirección y Organización
- «Application of Lean Construction techniques through an Action Research method in the management processes of a construction company» (2018). Dirección y Organización
- «Promoting structured participation for competitiveness in services companies» (2018). Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management
- «Best practices in road transport: An exploratory study» (2018). Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management
- «Economic and environmental packaging sustainability: A case study» (2018). Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management
- «Integrating KPIs for improving efficiency in road transport» (2018). International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management
- «Designing a fair, financially sustainable pay rate for owner-operator truck drivers. Modeling and case study» (2018), The Engineering Economist Journal
- «Sustainable Packaging Logistics. The link between Sustainability and Competitiveness in Supply Chains» (2017). Sustainabiity
- «The New Supply Chain in the Era of E-Retailers: A State-of-the-art Literature Review» (2016). Dirección y Organización
- «Packaging Logistics for improving performance in supply chains: the role of meta-standards implementation» (2016), Production Journal
- «Packaging logistics: promoting sustainable efficiency in supply chains» (2014), International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management
- «Packaging as source of efficient and sustainable advantages in supply chain Management. Ana analysis of milk cartons.» (2014), International Journal of Production Management and Engineering
- «El envase y el embalaje como soporte de la eficiencia y la sostenibilidad en la cadena de suministro. Un enfoque aplicado.» (2013), Dirección y Organización. Revista de Ingeniería de Organización
- «The logistic development in the Spanish food and fashion sectors» (2011), Universia Business Review
- «Implementing Key Performance Indicators in small and medium-sized enterprises through personnel participation. A Case Study» (2012), Dirección y Organización. Revista de Ingeniería de Organización
- «Las claves del éxito y las mejores prácticas de los sistemas de participaión del personal» (2012), Harvard Deusto Business Research
- «Modelo para la aplicación de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa en la gestión de la cadena de suministro» (2011), Dirección y Organización. Revista de Ingeniería de Organización
- «Systematic Personnel Participation for Logistics Improvement: A case study» (2011), Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing&Service Industries
- «El desarrollo de la gestión del mantenimiento en Galicia» (2010), DYNA Ingeniería e Industria
- «La contribución de los envases y embalajes a la mejora de la competitividad empresarial» (2010), Alta Dirección
- «Desencadenantes, resultados y factores críticos de éxito en los sistemas de participación del personal. Reultados de un estudio en España» (2010), Dirección y Organización. Revista de Ingeniería de Organización
- «Situación de la gestión del mantenimiento. Resltados de un estudio multisectorial» (2010),Mantenimiento. Ingeniería industrial y de edificios
- «Las TICs en laSC de cuatro sectores estratégicos» (2010), Manutención y Almacenaje. Revista de Logística
- «La implantación de la mejora continua a través de sistemas estructurados de participación del personal en las empresas líderes españolas» (2010), Qalidad, revista española para la calidad
- «Continuous improvement in the supply chain» (2009), Total Quality & Management: An International Journal
- «Packaging desing model from a supply chain approach» (2008), Supply Chain Management: An International Journal
- «Los envases y embalajes como fuente de ventajas competitivas» (2008), Universia Business Review
- «Logistics Improvement trough Packaging Rationalization: A Practical Experience» (2006), Packaging Technology & Science
- «Improvement of the supply chain efficiency through a suitable packaging design» (2006), Universia Business Review
- «Quality Management and Personnel Participation: Improvement Teams, a Solution for the SME’s ISO 9000 System Maintenance Problems in SME’s» (2004), Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing
- «Employee participation systems in Spain. Past, present and future»(2003), Total Quality Management & Business Excellence
- «Creating an Expert System for Detailed Scheduling» (2002), International Journal of Operations & Production Management
- «Beyond Quality Circles and Improvement Teams» (2001), Total Quality Management & Business Excellence
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